Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Naked Again!!!

So, I was working tonight and slept all day, so really, I thought I'd have nothing to report, but SURPRISE!! I do!!!

Nanny and Grandpa came to visit and they brought Lincoln some Easter treats. OH!!! AND ALSO --- tonight around 5:30 ish - as I was in the bathroom getting ready to go to work, Lincoln came in and said: "I go pee and poop in the potty." He's been peeing in the potty for a while now, but we've been having a bit of difficulty with the whole pooping in there!! He'll say he has to go, but then he won't. He'll just sit there and will end up going in his diaper or underwear, BUT tonight, we had success!!! Lincoln pooped in the potty!!! We did a happy little dance about and clapped and cheered and it was much excitement between Lincoln and I!! I also drew turtle tattoos on his hands to celebrate the wondrous occasion!!!

SO, for a day when I slep all day and didn't expect to have big news, I luckily did have something to write about - which I'm sure Lincoln will appreciate when he's older!!

Also, Nanny and Grandpa came and so Lincoln got to spend the evening with them. Nanny went into the bedroom to check on you at about eleven, just before they were going to bed and then she called me at work!

Our phone conversation went like this:

Nanny - "Are you busy?"
Me - "No, not really, why?"
Nanny - "Then you can come home here to your son."
Me - "Why?"
Nanny - "Well what do you do when you check on him and find him naked in his bed? Can I leave him like that?"

Of course I told her most definitely not!! I can only imagine what we might have to deal with in the morning if she left Lincoln sleeping naked like that!!! So she redressed him and then went off to bed.

Well, I'm actually at work now, writing this on my lunch break which is nearing it's end, so I should sign off for today. I was going to put a picture of Lincoln on the potty in here, but now that I'm at work, I don't have access to them, so it will have to wait.

Take care and Goodnight.

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