We headed off to Church and generally, Lincoln does pretty good there. I bring him a snack and a drink and a few little cars and a book and he's pretty quiet for most of the mass. If he gets loud, we can always relocate to what I call the 'banishment' room. It's little room at the back of the church where kids and parents can go and still hear and be a part of the mass, yet not disturb other people. We've only had to go there once and that was when Lincoln was pretty small and fussy. His favorite part of Mass is putting money in the collection and giving everyone the sign of Peace, (handshakes.) He's pretty good at shaking hands and he'll happily say "Peace be with you." at the right time.
After Mass, we headed to Walmart. I had to buy some dog food and we also needed to get a present for Joshua's birthday. I didn't intentionally leave it for the last minute, either. We'd done some running around for the past few days, but Joshua apparently likes Diego and he's pretty hard to find, which really is surprising. Anyway, we got the Diego toy and while we were perusing the dog food, Lincoln spotted the fish bowls and the pictures of fish on them. That spurred a plea to go to the pet store. Since it was only eleven, I decided we could head there before Lincoln's nap. I also made the snap decision to buy a little fish tank at Walmart because they were on sale for $10.00.
So, we bought the fish tank and headed off to the pet store for fish. The people at the pet store are incredibly friendly! One lady chased feeder goldfish around with a net for a good minute or two trying to get two fish that were different colors for us.
Once she bagged the fish, she gave the bag to Lincoln to carry and he proudly, and tightly with both hands, carried his fish to the til to pay for them. I gave him the toonie as well, so he was just on cloud nine. He put the fish on the counter and then put his toonie up there. The cashier started asking him about the fish and the subject of names came up. She asked Lincoln what he was going to call his fish, but he didn't answer her. He likes to play shy these days.
So I took up the conversation and the result had both the cashier and me laughing like crazy.
I said, "What are your fish's names, Lincoln."
He didn't say anything, just kept looking intently at the two fish.
I said, "Are they Bob and Tom?"
He said, "Nope."
I said, "Barney and Fred?"
He said, "Nope."
I said, "Well, what are they're names? Who are they?"
His response, "Mr. Fishy and Potato head."
Thus, our two new fish were named, although, I think I may have to make an impromptu trip back to the pet store tomorrow because Potato head doesn't look like he's doing too well. We'll see if he makes it through the night.

The one on the top is Mr. Fishy, the whitish one is Potato Head.

look at Lincoln who's taking a look at him.

swimming over to take a good look at Lincoln.
I love those last two pictures!!!
After the party, we headed for home, but made a brief pit-stop at a park nearby to make certain Lincoln was completely tired out. We got home and then had a bubble bath. Lincoln played in the tub of bubbles while I relaxed and read a few pages in my book.
I think the long day and shortened nap took it's tole on him though, because he was very defiant and grumpy when I asked him to clean up his bath toys. He was having none of it. I gave him a few chances and then finally told him he was going to bed. That led to an all out crying fit and while I dried him off, he kept saying "I'll listen to Mommy. I'll listen to Mommy." So, being the sucker I am, I gave him another chance and once he was in his pajamas, I sent him to the playroom to pick up his toys. This again didn't work and he refused to co-operate. Thus, I brushed his teeth and put him to bed. I don't know if he's hitting the terrible two's or if he just had an exceptionally long and busy day, but in any case, he ended up in bed!
That's about the whole day in a nutshell.
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