Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sports Camp Pictures

So, I put Lincoln in sportscamp this summer. It was  week long. He went for half days from 8:30 to 11:30. He had a great deal of fun, though it was hard leaving me in the morning. He was a bit whiny most mornings but the counsellors were pretty good. They would see him cuddling me and being sad and then they would come over and talk to him and try to get him to go and play with them. He was usually pretty good when they came to take him, except his last day. It took me about 20 minutes to leave him because he kept crying and asking for 'just one more kiss and hug.'
They took him swimming on Tuesday and Thursdays, and because I was paranoid, I went and watched him from the side. He didn't know I was there, because as much as I'm paranoid, I do want him to try new things and be comfortable without me.
In any case, because I wasn't at the sportscamp, I don't have many pictures of it, but I did get a few. On his last day, when I got there, he didn't quite know I was there, so I took advantage of the opportunity and took a few pictures of him outside playing tag with the other children.

This was apparently frog tag - and if you get tagged - you had to drop down and be a frog.

More frog tag...

Just playing outside... 

Running around....

More running...

And he saw me...

Running a lap in the gym...

And running to me...

One last close up and we left the gym...

If you ask him how he felt about sports camp, he'll tell you it was fun. He'll also tell you that he doesn't want to go in it again, but that's just because of the whole separation from me thing. He also told me that he didn't like swimming with the Sportscamp because they make him wear a lifejacket.
And on that note, I believe I am off to bed... Or, I may add some more pictures...

Bathtub Bodypainting

Today after a long day of work, I came home and needed a little bit of nothing but fun and relaxation. First, I sat on the porch swing and swung back and forth while Lincoln told me all about his day. Apparently he was good, no, scratch that, as per Lincoln he was 'Supergood!'. He asked me if I kissed him and hugged him before I went to work... I told him of course I did!! He then told me that he wanted to kiss and hug me before I went to work and that he was sad that I didn't wake him up! Somedays, he just makes my heart melt!
I swang on the porch swing and he sat in his own swing, laughing and swinging his feet while I tried to catch him and tickle him. I love his little laugh. I never get tired of hearing it. Especially when it's a full out so funny laugh! He loves to be wound up on the swing and then unwind at wild crazy speeds!
After our swing and converstation, I filled the tub, readied the camera, gave Linclon some body paint and plunked myself down on the bathroom floor, poised for picture taking and ready to laugh at his bathtub antics. He didn't let me down!!

Before the paint... playing with his playmobile guys.
Checking out the paint...
Putting some on his cheeks...
AH-CHOO!! This is what happens when paint gets too close to your nose!
Putting it on his arms... 
Getting creative and using his 'shaving' brush to paint.
Painting his hand...
I painted his face for him...   
Just dipping the paint in the jar... but I liked the expression on his face. 
WOW! You can't see it but I'm holding a mirror for him so he can see his face!
Painting his hands...  
Painting his belly...  
Watching the paint ooooze off the shaving brush. Sooo Cool!! 
Trying to paint his back...  
Still tryiing to paint his back.. deep concentration... 
Painting his hands again... 
Showing off his belly all painted up... 
Painting his shoulder and looking mighty cute!
Painting the back of his shoulders. 
And some more on his belly... 
It was soooo much fun!! 
I don't know what he's looking up at...
Oh my goodness!! I'm a smurf!!  
Putting on a bit more paint... 
Being an Artist is very tricky...  
Sooo blue...  
Fun... fun... fun... Using his fingers to spread the paint around.
This was very funny... he kept sucking in his belling and trying to paint his belly button.
Putting more paint on his cheeks.. 
So smiley... 
Not quite done... 
Using both hands to paint his cheeks. 
Trying to look in the mirror and paint his face. 
More belly painting... 
Using his 'razor' to scrape the paint off. 
'Shaving' his face... very difficult work...  
Getting his neck too...
So much fun... 
We'll definitely be doing this again!  
I love his eyes in this picture.

He had such a good time. He was very wrinkled (and clean) when he got out of the tub. He spent a good hour painting himself and then 'shaving' it off. By the time he got out, the water was a bit tepid, but he didn't complain at all! He had a great time! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hungry as ...

Today Lincoln spent the day with "Gramma Biggie"... Her name is actually Ethel and she's my best friend's mom. I've always called her "Big E" -- Like Big Ethel from the Archie comics - I really have no idea why... Anyway... Lincoln heard me call her Big 'E' and he thought I was saying Biggie so he started calling her Gramma Biggie... Anyways... I worked this weekend and since Christine is closed on the weekends, Gramma Biggie spent the day with Lincoln. She'll be back for a repeat tomorrow dayshift and then next weekend as well... (after next block, I'm off for 12 glorious days!! Not that I'm excited or anything.)
Anyways, I called Lincoln from work, multiple times, but I called him around 4pm and he asked me to come home in an hour. I told him I couldn't come home in an hour, that I still had three more hours to work. He was irritated by this and asked me why.
I jokingly told him I work with mean people and they wouldn't let me leave work for three hours. Lincoln's response to this was - "Well, tell them that you're gonna be mean at them too and then they'll let you come home to me."
It was pretty funny... but then... he's always pretty funny...

So, three hours later, I came home from work and made a macaroni salad.  Is at down to eat it and Lincoln comes over and says, "Mommy? Where's my supper?"
I gave him a bite and he eats it, then says, "But Mommy, I want my own."
Me: "Lincoln, didn't you eat supper with Gramma?"
Lincoln, "Well, yes but- I'm still hungry. I get hungry you know. I'm as hungry as Gafield!"
Me: "Wow, that's pretty darn hungry."
Lincoln, "Darn is a bad word!"
Me, "Darn is not a bad word."
Lincoln, "Okay, well I'm still hungry like Garfield and the only thing that makes me not hungry like Garfield is eating supper with you, when you eat supper. Cause I love you tooooo much."
**does he know how to suck up or what!!***

As for Darn being a bad word. Living with Lincoln is like having the language police with you all the time. It doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing, if you say anything from darn to stupid to something more extreme, he'll yell out to you and say "___??___ is a bad word." I'm sure he has super-sonic hearing because litterally, he can be in the bathroom or the bedroom with his door shut and I can be in the living room on the phone and he'll still hear me.

Anyways, that's the story for today. I plan to upload a few more pictures from Lincoln and Myles' playdate, but that may have to wait since I'm a bit tired. I think it's time we head off to bed!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Making a Water Cup

So, when Myles was over the other day, I let the boys decorate these little travel mugs. They had quite a bit of fun and made themselves lovely little mugs.... Myles did a little bit of work on his but then he was done in a few minutes. Lincoln spent quite a bit of time on his though... getting everything just right.

Lincoln's... he picked orange for his back-ground.

Myles... he picked yellow, and yes, I know it's upside down, but I took it from across the table
and I still haven't figured out how to rotate pictures in here...

First, Lincoln made a bunch of dots around his name...

Then he connected them....

He was quite into the whole decorating thing...

Stamping it with yellow and not too impressed that it didn't show up that well.

And even less impresssed with the orange.

Green and Black worked though!


Making it just right.

Realizing that if you color with the felt pen half tilted it makes a thicker line.

The boys doing their work.

Whoops - dropped it!

Found it!

Putting stickers on the paper.

Myles with his finished project.

Lincoln showing off all his hard work.
Love them stickers!

I don't know why he wanted me to take this picture - but he asked me too - so I did.
His peeking out face.

One final touch...

Ta Da!
All done! Look at how cool this turned out!
(some day I'm sure I'll learn how to rotate pictures.)

Testing the cup out! Yup, it works. 
The boys doing 'Cheers'!.

Definitely a project well done. They had a blast and both of them carried those cups around everywhere they went for the rest of the day! We may have to purchase some more and make some presents for cousins or other family.