Playing Catch-up with some Posts from Facebook!
Some things Lincoln has said to me lately: *they are
likely not in any order, since I just cut and pasted them from my facebook
So... I always say to Lincoln.... (after I've had to tell him to do or not do something more than once.) I will say something along the lines of "Lincoln! I've had to tell you that two times now! That's not behaving nicely!" --- So today, we're getting out of the car and I'm going to undo the snap on his carseat and I hear him saying "I want to do that one." But I didn't realy process it until he says, with huge sigh - "Mommy, I had to tell you that two times! That's not being a nice behaving Mommy!" Darn kid! Picking up on everything I say and then throwing it right back at me!
After a discussion with Lincoln - it appears we will be going to West Lake this morning... and it appears we will be bring Myles with us.... AND further more - it appears we will be having Subway for Lunch becuase (and I quote) "Subway doesn't make peanut butter sandwiches cause I don't like peanut butter." -- I think it's nice that Lincoln thinks that the ony reason Subway doesn't make peanut butter sandwiches is because he doesn't like them... apparently - he still believes that everything is somehow related to his likes and dislikes!
So... I always say to Lincoln.... (after I've had to tell him to do or not do something more than once.) I will say something along the lines of "Lincoln! I've had to tell you that two times now! That's not behaving nicely!" --- So today, we're getting out of the car and I'm going to undo the snap on his carseat and I hear him saying "I want to do that one." But I didn't realy process it until he says, with huge sigh - "Mommy, I had to tell you that two times! That's not being a nice behaving Mommy!" Darn kid! Picking up on everything I say and then throwing it right back at me!
After a discussion with Lincoln - it appears we will be going to West Lake this morning... and it appears we will be bring Myles with us.... AND further more - it appears we will be having Subway for Lunch becuase (and I quote) "Subway doesn't make peanut butter sandwiches cause I don't like peanut butter." -- I think it's nice that Lincoln thinks that the ony reason Subway doesn't make peanut butter sandwiches is because he doesn't like them... apparently - he still believes that everything is somehow related to his likes and dislikes!
Four year old Logic... yesterday was
a great day... and then it rolled around to about 8 o'clock at night. It was a
rough go for Lincoln. I was on the phone talking to my mother and he was crazy
loud. Way beyond loud. I told him he could go play in the playroom if he was
going to be loud, but if he wanted to stay with me while I was talking to Nanny,
he had to be quiet! I even took the phone in th...e bathroom and
sat on the edge of the tub with the door shut and he was still just phenominally
loud. He kept opening the door and coming in being loud and finally, I had
enough! I yelled at him -- very loud -- not one of my proudest parenting moments
- but the nice talking wasn't working -- you would think my yell would have put
the fear of God in the child - but that was not the case. He gave it one last
yell of his own and that was it! I told my mother I would call her back. I told
Lincoln (in a loud voice that he was not behaving nicely and he could go to
bed!) He was most upset and began crying and whining and worked himself up into
such a tizzy that he made himself sick. So... now I'm even more angry because I
know that the only reason he got sick was because he wasn't listening to me and
if he had just laid down and go to sleep everything would have been fine. So...
I'm now ripping sheets of his bed and probably yelling a bit more. I get him
cleaned up, put to bed and retreat to the couch to call my mother back. Soooo...
this morning... he comes out of his room and says to me, "Good Morning Mommy,
you are the best mommy in the world."
I say thanks, you're the best kid in the world - or something like that ... to which Lincoln replies,
"Well, actuallly (yes, he said actually) you are the best Mommy in the world, all the time, except when you yell at me - then you aren't the best Mommy in the world... sooooooo (here comes the logic!) Soooo Mommy, you should never yell at me and then you'll always be the best Mommy.
(Forget trying to reason with him that if he behaves, I won't have to yell... to him - it's pretty simply... don't yell at him - EVER - and I'm the best mommy in the world!
I say thanks, you're the best kid in the world - or something like that ... to which Lincoln replies,
"Well, actuallly (yes, he said actually) you are the best Mommy in the world, all the time, except when you yell at me - then you aren't the best Mommy in the world... sooooooo (here comes the logic!) Soooo Mommy, you should never yell at me and then you'll always be the best Mommy.
(Forget trying to reason with him that if he behaves, I won't have to yell... to him - it's pretty simply... don't yell at him - EVER - and I'm the best mommy in the world!
we're driving up to Noah's Ark today... going up cranbrook hill... up ... up...
up... and Lincoln says, "Are we still going up cause I'm afraid of Heights." I
say "Oh, why are you afraid of heights?"
Lincoln has this look that he sometimes gives me... and you can see it in his little (sly eyes as my mother calls them!!) he get's this look as though he's humoring me and that I'm beyond stupid... so ... he gives me this look when I asked why he was afraid of heights and says... "Because I don't like being up high - you dough-head!"
Lincoln has this look that he sometimes gives me... and you can see it in his little (sly eyes as my mother calls them!!) he get's this look as though he's humoring me and that I'm beyond stupid... so ... he gives me this look when I asked why he was afraid of heights and says... "Because I don't like being up high - you dough-head!"
(or likely just this mornings) conversation with Lincoln....
Me -- "Lincoln - do you want to go to Noah's Ark?"
Lincoln - (with crazy excitment) "Oh Yeah!! I do!!"
m- "Okay, I put some clothes on the bench in your room - go and get dressed."
L -"Okay Mommy." And off he goes - happily down the hall to his room.
A few minutes later...
L -- "Mommy, I don't like this Underwears you picked out!...!"
M-- "Okay, well don't wear those ones." (seemed like a simple enough solution to me.)
L -- "Oh! That's great, Mommy."
(He's simple to please - let him pick his own underwear.) Anyways... a few more minutes pass and I hear him kinda chuckling to himself in there. I am now down brushing my hair and head to the kitchen waiting to sunscreen him up. He comes happily skipping down the hall with this wierd - but happy - look on his face. He get's right close to me - leans in and whispers - "Mommy? I'm half naked."
I look at him in his shorts, T-shirt and even has socks on --- VERY CLEARLY -- he's not in any way naked....So I comment on that. "Lincoln, that's sillly talk - you're not naked."
He again, leans in super close to me and whispers, "Yes I am Mommy, I'm half naked -- he gets even quieter now as he whispers, "I don't have any underwears on."
Me -- "Lincoln - do you want to go to Noah's Ark?"
Lincoln - (with crazy excitment) "Oh Yeah!! I do!!"
m- "Okay, I put some clothes on the bench in your room - go and get dressed."
L -"Okay Mommy." And off he goes - happily down the hall to his room.
A few minutes later...
L -- "Mommy, I don't like this Underwears you picked out!...!"
M-- "Okay, well don't wear those ones." (seemed like a simple enough solution to me.)
L -- "Oh! That's great, Mommy."
(He's simple to please - let him pick his own underwear.) Anyways... a few more minutes pass and I hear him kinda chuckling to himself in there. I am now down brushing my hair and head to the kitchen waiting to sunscreen him up. He comes happily skipping down the hall with this wierd - but happy - look on his face. He get's right close to me - leans in and whispers - "Mommy? I'm half naked."
I look at him in his shorts, T-shirt and even has socks on --- VERY CLEARLY -- he's not in any way naked....So I comment on that. "Lincoln, that's sillly talk - you're not naked."
He again, leans in super close to me and whispers, "Yes I am Mommy, I'm half naked -- he gets even quieter now as he whispers, "I don't have any underwears on."
tip for the rest of the world... If you're house is smoking hot, you shut your
curtains, take a nice cool shower and plan to sit under the ceiling fan in your
undergarments to let yourself cool off.... MAKE BLOODY SURE YOUR CHILD HASN'T
from Kids Art day at the Gallery-- Lincoln had a ton of fun... painting and
playing...and eating hot-dogs... but the best part was when I said we had to
leave so that I could have a nap for work tonight and he said.... "Okay Mommy,
thanks for brining us here, that sure was a ton of fun wasn't it?" --- Now
here's hoping I can get to sleep - otherwise... I'm apologizing in advance to my
co-workers because you'll have to suffer with me on 3 hours of sleep since our
last nightshift.... may not be pretty.....
Dynamite!! I cheese grated the inside of my wrist and it hurts like crazy!! And
then Lincoln, bless him, comes running to the kitchen and asks me if I want him
to kiss it better, BUT when he got to the kitchen and saw the blood told me he
couldn't kiss it and I would have to kiss my own 'bloody' hand... he meant cause
my hand was full of blood but all I could think about was a co-worker of mine
(Cathy) saying 'Bloody 'Ell"...(that 'Ell' is really 'Hell' with her lovely
British accent!!
today Lincoln is playing in the basement - unsupervised for the first time
ever--- (yes... the whole bubble thing!! I know!! But the basement has a
separate entry way and I AM NOT going to be one of those parents who's kid
wanders off and ends up half way to Walmart before I the other day,
I re-aranged some furniture down there and the door is now un-accessible - so
he's got some... toys and in particular his motorized quad down
there).... and I thought to myself yesterday, that I would put the baby monitor
down there so I could hear him if I was upstairs... but I haven't done that
yet... so after my shower (WHICH I finally fixed yesterday!!) he asks if he can
stay down there and play down there and I said he could... ANYWAY... point of
the story is I let him play down there by himself this morning while I am
upstairs folding laundry and I have decided 'who needs a baby monitor when your
child is as loud as mine and never stops?? I'm in the living room folding
laundry and through the heat vents I am listening to a medley of 'What's new
Scooby Doo, The alphabet song and The man in the Moon is a Newfied!!' -- yup, I
love that kid!!
a busy day at the park and then Marlene's, we hadn't been home since 1130 this
morning, I got Lincoln out of the bath and ready for bed at about 10pm... and he
has this huge yawn... I asked him if he was tired and he looks at me with the
most serious look on his face and says 'Yes, Mommy. I sure could use a good
nights sleep!!" (of course after working a nightshift and then spending last
night on the trampoline half cold and tossing and turning... I can't wait to
have a good nights sleep either!!)
So I
just decided we'd listen to a Newfoundland Radio station for our cleaning
spree.... loaded it up and there was a commercial and Lincoln says... 'hey
Mommy...I love how this crazy guy is talking.' --- even Lincoln knows the
Newfies are crazy but that he should love them!! AND more
procrastinating -- WE CLEAN!!
told Lincoln we were gonna crank up some music and go crazy cleaning the
house.... he ran off to his room and came back out in a pair of PJs... I asked
him what he was doing and he said "Well Mommy! We always do cleaning in
Pajamas!" --- (AND Rhonda H. incidentally since we discussed this the other day
-- again he's got the tone!!!)
... we're looking at my cousins little girl on facebook and Lincoln asks who she
is. I tell him that it's Morgan and that she is his 'second' cousin. He looks
all confused and tells me she is not. I say she is and we go back and forth for
a few minutes and finally he gives me this exasperated look. (This look is like
a cross between... I can't tolerate you and You're stupid. ) And then in... a voice laced
with 'tone' he tells me that Landon is his second cousin... because he is the
second oldest... Logan is his first cousin cause she's the biggest but then
comes Landon and he's the second cousin.... You can't argue with that kind of
logic.... BUT... we're definitely going to have to work on that whole 'You're
too stupid for this explanation' tone he's got going on!
Oh, I forgot to write this yesterday... Lincoln had
Myles over for a playdate... and upon listening to a few conversations they had,
I may need to teach Lincoln a few things...
Conversation #1: The boys were watching Jake run around the kitchen:
Myles: "I don't have a puppy anymore."
Lincoln: "Oh?"
Myles: "Yeah, my puppy is at the pet store."
Lincoln ponders for a moment and then says, "No Myles. I think your puppy is dead."
(which is true... but apparently I need to work on Lincoln and SYMPATHY!!)
In Lincoln's defense, he does tell Myles that Buddy - Myles' dog is in Heaven with God and Serra (our old Dog.)
Conversation #1: The boys were watching Jake run around the kitchen:
Myles: "I don't have a puppy anymore."
Lincoln: "Oh?"
Myles: "Yeah, my puppy is at the pet store."
Lincoln ponders for a moment and then says, "No Myles. I think your puppy is dead."
(which is true... but apparently I need to work on Lincoln and SYMPATHY!!)
In Lincoln's defense, he does tell Myles that Buddy - Myles' dog is in Heaven with God and Serra (our old Dog.)
Well... Got the Trampoline yesterday
and today had the first trampoline related injury! FOR ME!!! So, we're in the
back yard... living life... being happy.... Lincoln is bouncing on the
trampoline ... living life... being happy.... I'm watching him from the deck...
again... living life... being happy.... and I think ... hey... while we're both
out here living life... being happy.... this is a K...odak moment...
so off I go to get my camera... while I'm walking out of the kitchen to the
porch, I glance down to see how much battery life my camera has... next thing I
know, I'm flying face first through the porch. Camera goes one way, I go one way
and my foot goes another way! I lay there - writhing in pain - contemplating my
options when my wonderful dog spots me and thinks -- oh -- this must mean she
wants to play! Apparently the in the universal language of dog: "Ouch! I'm
dying! My foot's on fire! Get outta here Jake!" Really means, lets jump all over
her - she must like it!
My bellows of outrage at the dog, now bring Lincoln running - nice that he cares. He comes in, sees me down and asks what happened. I politely tell him that I think I broke my foot and perhaps various other bones in my body. This loveable wonderful boy then grabs my foot and goes to kiss it. The kiss was a nice gesture, the ripping of my foot, not so much!
I finally summon up enough energy to crawl my way to the kitchen and onto a chair to assess the damage. My medical opinion is that It needs to be amputated, I'm sure!! I call Christine who comes to save me and takes me to emergency and babysits Lincoln while I'm there. ((THANKS CHRISTINE!!))
Great news! They were able to save my foot!! It's swolen huge and bruised like never before, but the X-rays say it's probably a bad sprain. Tensor wrap, Kkep it elevated, ice it, stay off it for a day or two and all should be well in the world and we can go back to living life... being happy.... It hurts like crazy at the moment though.
Funny thing at the ER though... Doctor says, was this a work injury? I said "Nope, it's a stupitity injury!"
If I could sustain this injury just by being in the proximity of the trampoline - I doubt I'll be jumping on it anytime soon!!
My bellows of outrage at the dog, now bring Lincoln running - nice that he cares. He comes in, sees me down and asks what happened. I politely tell him that I think I broke my foot and perhaps various other bones in my body. This loveable wonderful boy then grabs my foot and goes to kiss it. The kiss was a nice gesture, the ripping of my foot, not so much!
I finally summon up enough energy to crawl my way to the kitchen and onto a chair to assess the damage. My medical opinion is that It needs to be amputated, I'm sure!! I call Christine who comes to save me and takes me to emergency and babysits Lincoln while I'm there. ((THANKS CHRISTINE!!))
Great news! They were able to save my foot!! It's swolen huge and bruised like never before, but the X-rays say it's probably a bad sprain. Tensor wrap, Kkep it elevated, ice it, stay off it for a day or two and all should be well in the world and we can go back to living life... being happy.... It hurts like crazy at the moment though.
Funny thing at the ER though... Doctor says, was this a work injury? I said "Nope, it's a stupitity injury!"
If I could sustain this injury just by being in the proximity of the trampoline - I doubt I'll be jumping on it anytime soon!!
Fate... why you gotta kick me when I'm down?? I'm limping my way back from the
bathroom... I pause in the playroom and I tell Lincoln how glad I am that he's
playing so nice and quiet with his little dinky cars... I tell him how it's so
nice because my foot is sore and it makes me very happy when he's being so
good.... then I begin my limp back to the couch... and I step on one of his
DINKIES!!! The only good thing is that I stepped on it with my good foot -
HOWEVER - it causes me to lurch forward in pain and onto my bad foot!! End
Result is both feet hurt like hell!! While I'm on my continued limp back to the
couch... I mutter something about my 'stupid' foot. (Which in my defense --
could have been worse!!) but anyway... I mutter about my stupid foot and
Lincoln, without even bothering to look up from the parking lot that he's
creating, he tells me -- in a very condescending tone, I might add-- "Mommy!!
Stupid is a bad word!!" ... Quite frankly... stupid was one of the better bad
words I contemplated... I thought a heck of a lot worse words, that's for
I put
Lincoln to bed tonight and then about 20 minutes later I went in to check on him
--- he was still awake.... then said.... "What are you doing mommy?"
Me --"Just looking at you."
Lincoln --"Why?"
Me -- "Cause I love looking at you."
Lincoln -- "Oh... well... Mommy, I got a good idea. If you let me stay up and play, you can look at me all night!!"
This logic at 4 years old means only one thing.... I'm screwed when he becomes a teenager!!
Me --"Just looking at you."
Lincoln --"Why?"
Me -- "Cause I love looking at you."
Lincoln -- "Oh... well... Mommy, I got a good idea. If you let me stay up and play, you can look at me all night!!"
This logic at 4 years old means only one thing.... I'm screwed when he becomes a teenager!!
Lincoln: "Mommy, I don't want you to go to work."
Me: "Lincoln I have to go to work to make money to buy you toys and clothes."
Lincoln, "Well, it's okay, I don't need toys and I can wear my old clothes."
Me: Well, I also have to make money to buy us food?"
Lincoln, "Well, we could just go live with Nanny and Grandpa and eat all their food." (So --- what do say Mom?? Can I quit my job and live with you forever??)
Me: "Lincoln I have to go to work to make money to buy you toys and clothes."
Lincoln, "Well, it's okay, I don't need toys and I can wear my old clothes."
Me: Well, I also have to make money to buy us food?"
Lincoln, "Well, we could just go live with Nanny and Grandpa and eat all their food." (So --- what do say Mom?? Can I quit my job and live with you forever??)
A few more posts from facebook... these were from 2011 and 2010...
Sooooo... Lincoln is walking around the house with a toy
phone randomly saying things and keeps addressing the person on the other end as
Robin..... I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who Robin is -- cause we
don't know a Robin....
then it all clicks when Lincoln says, "Okay Robin, that's cool -- can I talk to Batman now!!"
You laugh but he was walking arond for a good 10 minutes going on and on.... I was thinking of people we knew... going throug all those damn Thomas the train guys...I couldn't come up with a single Robin....
hmmm... I thought I'd have more... but apparently, that brings me up to date on all the facebook posts that I should have been adding to the blog...
A few more things I've just thought of off the top of my head... I was getting Lincoln dressed to go somewhere one day and told him to go get his shoes. He did and he put one on and said "This is the right one?" I was quite a proud mommy becuase I'm sure he wasn't even two when this happened and so I said, "Yes, it is the right one. Do you know what the other one is?" And he looks at me, then at his foot and says, "Yes, the wrong one!"
then it all clicks when Lincoln says, "Okay Robin, that's cool -- can I talk to Batman now!!"
You laugh but he was walking arond for a good 10 minutes going on and on.... I was thinking of people we knew... going throug all those damn Thomas the train guys...I couldn't come up with a single Robin....
hmmm... I thought I'd have more... but apparently, that brings me up to date on all the facebook posts that I should have been adding to the blog...
A few more things I've just thought of off the top of my head... I was getting Lincoln dressed to go somewhere one day and told him to go get his shoes. He did and he put one on and said "This is the right one?" I was quite a proud mommy becuase I'm sure he wasn't even two when this happened and so I said, "Yes, it is the right one. Do you know what the other one is?" And he looks at me, then at his foot and says, "Yes, the wrong one!"
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