Friday, July 20, 2012

The Ivory soap Experiment.

I love pinterest!! I love LOVE LOVE Pinterest. You can find all sorts of ideas on there. Fun crafts, neat recipes, science experiments and just a variety of other things. It's great. Lincoln and I do a lot of things that I find on Pinterest. This is one of them.

First, you take an ordinary bar of Ivory Soap. You put it on a paper towel, I just used a regular kitchen dinner plate. You microwave it for about 3 minutes. I had to take our bar out once becuase it got so big but was only half done, so I took it out and separated it. Once the heat stops, the mushy Ivory Soap does shrink a little bit when you take it out of the microwave, but not that much.

This was the first half of the bar of Ivory Soap.

This is what the Ivory soap looked like when it came out of the microwave. All poofy and fun, ready to be played with!!

The second half of the Ivory Soap. Now we're ready to play. The "Pinterest" site said the woman just puts her kids at the kitchen table with thier Ivory Soap, but I had a revalation -- why not just let him play with it in the bathtub? Made sense to me.

I knew that I'd be taking pictures of him while he was playing - so after many minutes of convincing him that it was OKAY to wear his underwear in the tub, he finally conceded to leaving them on and getting in the tub.

Here's the first guy he picked to go into the 'snow'.

Putting the first guy into the 'snowbank'. Pirates were made to make snow angels apparently!!

Adding more guys to the snow...

Having a lot of fun... All the pirates are now in making 'Snow Angels.'


Making a snowball.... The Ivory soap was mold-able. But it was also flakey. I expected it to be more gooey than it was. But it didn't matter to Lincoln. He had a blast!


When he was done playing, he got his hands a little bit damp and the soap became more gooey. He had a great time goo-ing up his hands and then clapping them together and sending the soap flakes flying. Because it was in the bathtub, it was perfectly fine to do this.

One final picture of his gooey hands before we added water to the bathtub and got all washed clean and ready for bed.

This was a great experiment. He had a blast and it was relatively cheap. The Ivory Soap came in a 10 pack for about $4 at Walmart. He litterally played in the tub with no water and just the soap for just over an hour with the pirate men that he has. THEN when he was done playing in the 'dry' tub. He took off his undies and played with the soap in the water making ice-burgs and other such creations for another hour or so. I expected him to be entertained for maybe an hour in total. I certain had no idea he would have over two hours of fun with it. Definitely going to do this one again!

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